for string in soup.strings:
# u"The Dormouse's story"
# u'\n\n'
# u"The Dormouse's story"
# u'\n\n'
# u'Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were\n'
# u'Elsie'
# u',\n'
# u'Lacie'
# u' and\n'
# u'Tillie'
# u';\nand they lived at the bottom of a well.'
# u'\n\n'
# u'...'
# u'\n'
for string in soup.stripped_strings:
# u"The Dormouse's story"
# u"The Dormouse's story"
# u'Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were'
# u'Elsie'
# u','
# u'Lacie'
# u'and'
# u'Tillie'
# u';\nand they lived at the bottom of a well.'
# u'...'